Einstufungstest absolvieren, um Ihr aktuelles Sprachniveau zu ermitteln. Regular in-class participation, completion of homework tasks, and development of brief team and individual presentations and writing assignments will be required. This course uses modern literature to develop students’ language skills, in particular their understanding of English grammar. 30 Euro pro Kurs mit 2 SWS, 45 Euro pro Kurs mit 3 SWS bzw. Previous knowledge of economic and business terminology or concepts is helpful but not a prerequisite. We will use authentic media (podcasts, speeches, articles, tweets, etc.) This course will focus on the language of legal discourse in various areas of English law. Language feedback will allow students to see how they are progressing throughout the course. Wir sind in Forschung und Lehre aktiv und bieten ein differenziertes Angebot an allgemeinen und fachspezifischen Fremdsprachkursen. Pflichtfeld Abbrechen. To sign up for an initial appointment, please e-mail dawn.nichols@hu-berlin.de after enrollment.Â, Voraussetzung: Online-Einstufungstest mit 65 bis 100 Punkten.Â, The tutoring service is for all students who want one-to-one advice and support in their writing. August-Boeckh-Haus We’ll also discuss differences between cinema and literature as forms of artistic expression, examining their strengths and weaknesses for portraying aspects of human experience. A lot of effort will be put into boosting the range of vocabulary, with a special focus on the adequate use of legal language. In this course we will discuss a variety of cultural, social, and political topics. Sprachenzentrum der Universität Wien . Insbesondere mit dem Türkisch- und Arabisch-Angebot entspricht das Sprachenzentrum den Wünschen vieler Studierender der HU vor allem aus den Bereichen Wirtschafts- sowie Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften und den Lehramtsstudiengängen, die sich mit speziellen Sprach- und interkulturellen Kompetenzen für den Einstieg ins Berufsleben rüsten wollen. Ezen kívül minden évben két diák ösztöndíjprogram keretén belül négyhetes nyári német nyelvtanfolyamon vehet részt. complete tests for homework, either for discussion in class or for personal feedback. Zentraleinrichtung Sprachenzentrum, Hausanschrift Deutsch-Intensivkurs (DaF) – studienvorbereitend. Apart from designing overall essay plans (introduction- body – conclusion) on a variety of subjects, you will study the structure of arguments and the requisite language and structural tools to develop it.Â. Sprachenzentrum Türkisch - WiSe 20/21 Neue Liste | Liste herunterladen Liste drucken Sortieren nach: Voreingestellte Sortierung Verfasser Titel Signatur Erscheinungsjahr … This course is a continuation of the four-hour course 1, but it is also suitable for qualified newcomers. Studienaufbau für Nicht-MuttersprachlerInnen Türkisch Ergänzende Informationen "Türkische Sprache und Kultur" aktuelles Vorlesungsverzeichnis WS: Türkisch I und Türkisch III 4 SWS Arbeiten mit dem Lehrbuch, Übungen zum Text- und Hörverstehen 2 SWS Übungen zum … Watching films and series in English is an excellent way to learn new vocabulary and refine one’s pronunciation. HU-Mitarbeiter/innen, HU-Alumni und Gasthörer/innen: Discussion topics will be chosen by the participants in week one of the course. Im Folgenden finden Sie die für das Sommersemester 2021 geplanten Kurse. Die Sprachkurse Polnisch und Chinesisch, die das Sprachenzentrum der HU anbietet, sind regelmäßig sofort nach Anmeldebeginn ausgebucht, wir haben jedoch über eine Sondervereinbarung mit dem Sprachenzentrum die Möglichkeit, Plätze in den Kursen zu reservieren. Topics covered will be current, recent examples of which have included Press Freedom, Earth Overshoot Day, Trump Politics, Netflix, Overtourism, Womenomics, Space Economics, and much related to the Corona crisis. International travel, work, study, music, film, and internet surfing increasingly bring many of us into frequent contact with the enormous diversity of English-language usage from around the world. It will include analyzing and 'briefing' landmark decisions made by the US Supreme Court in various areas of the substantive law. The course is open to those who have completed Course 1 or who have obtained equivalent skills elsewhere. 20 Euro pro Kurs mit 2 SWS, 30 Euro pro Kurs mit 3 SWS bzw. Fall semester 2021 Publication of course program: 10.05.2021 Enrollments open for staff, MAS and PhD/doctoral students, and alumni: 06.09.2021 Nach erfolgreicher Kursbuchung bekommen Sie eine E-Mail mit Bankdaten, um das Geld zu überweisen. All language skills will be practised. This course aims to develop students’ ability to participate and interact more fully in academic discussions and debates, thereby improving the fluency, clarity, accuracy and complexity of their spoken language as well as their listening, reading and writing skills, while concurrently deepening their knowledge of the course subject matter. The exam itself is Internet based and students will be familiarised with the process at the beginning of the course. With an emphasis on speaking and reading, this course is designed for students of the Arts and Humanities and will cover topics of general interest: art, film, music, and various current events. Writing assignments focus on making and supporting claims/arguments, discussing various points of view, describing objects and situations, comparing and contrasting ideas, reviewing general conventions of academic writing, and removing barriers to clarity. Studienvorbereitender Deutsch-Intensivkurs (DaF), Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmens für Sprachen, Teilnahme-, Anmeldungs- und Buchungsbedingungen, Минск — середина Европы в стране тракторов, 9 Uhr: Polnisch, Russisch, Tschechisch, Ungarisch. Arbeitstagung des AKS, die das Sprachenzentrum der HU veranstaltet hat, das Ibero-Amerikanische Institut Preußischer Kulturbesitz besucht. Participants negotiate readings and topics for group presentations as well as investigate and report on typical linguistic forms from their particular fields of study. Literary readings, film excerpts, songs, and authentic audio recordings will be employed to give us a foothold towards understanding a small sample of the kinds of contemporary English, including Indian, Nigerian, South African, Irish, Scottish, Australian, African-American (Ebonics), Spanglish, Chinglish, New Yorkese, Multicultural London English, Jamaican Patwa and Rastafarian Dread Talk. The course introduces you to the United States common-law system, its courts and basic procedural and substantive law. On completion of this course participants are assessed on the basis of an agreed negotiation simulation and should be able to exhibit, in a fluent and precise manner, appropriate communication strategies such as structuring and controlling information, asking the right questions, obtaining feedback, maintaining a positive atmosphere, avoiding personalization, making proposals and counter proposals to reach a deal and understanding key aspects of culture which can influence or impede the progress of any negotiation. Throughout the course we focus on the two key topics of Media and Work, and you will be expected to discuss these topics extensively in class. Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Martins Dauksts im größten Business-Netzwerk der Welt an. The main focus therefore, will be on the techniques and skills necessary to obtain high scores in the TOEFL exam. The sessions usually take place on/at the days/times specified below, but it is possible to meet outside of these days/times. Insbesondere mit dem Türkisch- und Arabisch-Angebot entspricht das Sprachenzentrum den Wünschen vieler Studierender der HU vor allem aus den Bereichen Wirtschafts- sowie Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften und den Lehramtsstudiengängen, die sich mit speziellen Sprach- und interkulturellen Kompetenzen für den Einstieg ins Berufsleben rüsten wollen. Sie buchen online! Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, die Angebote der Abteilung "Sprachenzentrum" der Studierendenakademie finden Sie von nun an im Kompetenzbereich "Sprachen" unserer neuen Webseite. We will begin by analyzing presentation structure and presentation skills. Die türkische Sprache – auch Türkeitürkisch genannt – gehört zu den Turksprachen und wird weltweit von über 65 Millionen Menschen als Muttersprache gesprochen. You will further, as home assignment, prepare a short presentation related to civil law. Juli 2021) bieten wir Kurse mit zwei und vier SWS1 an. But still, the European Union (EU) is the most exciting contemporary political system being shaped, transformed and strengthened affecting the lives of vast populations. Other times may be negotiable. HU-Studierende: Im Sommersemester (19. Students will be assessed on the following: an essay and a final written exam.Â. You will be tested orally (presentation) and in writing.Â, Everyone has favorite novels that have been transformed into better or worse film versions, though we’ve often heard the verdict that ‘the book was much better than the film’. In week 1, we will discuss potential topics and appropriate sources for authentic materials. Die Lehrveranstaltungen beginnen voraussichtlich ab 19. The course is suitable for social science and humanities students who want to improve their written and spoken academic English, and practise important administrative skills they will need in their future careers. the European Union, Globalisation, International Trade, Business Ethics etc. Students will have at least two one-on-one sessions that are approximately one hour each. Im Profil von Emma Gravendeel sind 6 Jobs angegeben. Postanschrift Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Zentraleinrichtung Sprachenzentrum, Hausanschrift August-Boeckh-Haus Dorotheenstraße 65 10117 Berlin. This course is designed to improve students’ reading, speaking, listening and writing skills. The exam itself is Internet based and students will be familiarised with the process at the beginning of the course. Turkish – also called Istanbul Turkish – is one of the Turkic languages and is the native language of over 65 million people worldwide. Der Besuch der FRS Türkisch Kurse stellt die ideale Grundlage zur Vorbereitung und Bestehen dieser Klausuren dar. The Leistungsnachweis will be awarded on the basis of regular and active participation as well as successful completion of the final test. Diese Vorgaben können von denen anderer Länder abweichen. Lectures, videos/ audios and presentations will aim to fine-tune listening skills. Particular attention will be given to the language developments (buzzwords, slang, etc.) This course will focus on the language of legal discourse in various areas of English law. Most importantly, students will work through some of the key processes and tasks involved in publishing a journal such as ‘recruiting submissions’ and ‘managing peer review’. Following clarification of some fundamental distinctions in terms of categorizing dialects, accents, and pidgins, each week we will focus on a particular sort of English. Students are also expected to establish their own language awareness throughout the course, such as  vocabulary, word combinations, useful phrases and idioms, as well as grammar forms and other aspects covered during discussion and analysis of the course topics and materials. 2. Willkommen am Sprachenzentrum, der zentralen Anlaufstelle für sprachbezogene Angebote an der Universität Münster. Final tests: Listening comprehension, Writing, Vocabulary. Falls diese nicht innerhalb dieser Frist auf unserem Konto eingegangen ist, müssen wir Ihre Anmeldung stornieren! This is not a course in the traditional sense, as we never meet together as a class at regular meeting times. Learn Turkish at the TUM Language Center Türkçeye Hoş Geldiniz! 1. Studierendenakademie - Überfachliche Kompetenzen an der HHU; Rudimentary terminology borrowed from linguistics will be used to conceptually frame the course, but no specialist knowledge is required, though students of linguistics are of course welcome. The final test will comprise three components: (1) a reading comprehension test, (2) a vocabulary and grammar test, and (3) a short oral exam (10–15 minutes). Since there is no grammar component any grammar points will be addressed through personal feedback and going over any areas of weakness with the whole class. iaaw.hu-berlin.de Students, who have not already learnt African lLanguage, are obliged to participate in an African language course. You will read, analyse and discuss academic texts, law reports (precedents) and statutes and summarise them in writing. Students will be assessed on the basis of an agreed presentation theme, homework/class contribution, and by passing the final tests in Speaking (on the student’s presentation subject and one class topic) and Reading and Listening Comprehension.Â. As home assignment, you will prepare a short case presentation. Das folgende entgeltpflichtige Semesterkursangebot richtet sich prioritär an Studierende der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. The aim of this course is to enhance the ability of students to study social and political science in English speaking universities, or universities providing courses in English language. Im Profil von Delphine Chinchilla sind 5 Jobs angegeben. Intercultural competence is becoming more and more important in an increasingly globalised world. 04.02.2021. Topics considered will include racial, gender, and sexual oppression, (civil) war, migration, religious and cultural clashes, addiction, rebelliousness and crime, and the individual’s relationship towards the larger society. BibTex ISBD MARC RIS (Zotero, EndNote, ...) Liste drucken. With regards to listening, the focus will be on listening for gist as well as for specific information. April. This course is for those who are working on writing up their research (in English).  Those working on a research article, a master’s or a Ph.D. thesis will profit from this course.  Indeed, in order to benefit from the course, experience has shown that participants should be able to submit "work in progress," that is, they should have some writing outside this course that they are working on (such as an article or a thesis) that they can try to improve in this course.  This course is not designed for those trying to improve their general academic writing in English in order to write better seminar papers – essay writing courses do this better.  In this course we will, first, analyze the structure of the argument in the research paper in your discipline, concentrating especially on the structure of a good introduction.  Second, we will examine strategies to write better academic prose, concentrating on improving coherence and flow.  In the last few weeks of the course, students will read each other’s work (usually up to approximately 10 pages of an ongoing project).  The grade for the course will be based on your written work and class participation. On this course students will work towards creating their own peer-reviewed journal. 10117 Berlin, Für HU-Mitarbeiter/innen, HU-Alumni und Gasthörer/innen. Übersicht der Kursstufen moderne Sprachen. Adresse: Habelschwerdter Allee 45 14195 Berlin. Number of participants: min 10, max 18. Deutsch-Intensivkurs (DaF) – studienvorbereitend, Минск — середина Европы в стране тракторов, Englisch  -  Kurs für Graduierte und Promovierende, Englisch  -  Fremdsprachiges Rechtsstudium. 60 Euro pro Kurs mit 4 SWS. Students are expected to give a presentation on a subject of their choice, which will be graded. Each participant will also be required to give one individual presentation of about 20 minutes and write a brief essay or review.Â. The language tutor offers sessions on the days and during the times specified below for individual consultations; to sign up for an initial appointment, please e-mail jeffrey.verhey@cms.hu-berlin.de after enrolment. This course teaches advanced students how to write clearly with well-articulated arguments and adequate academic vocabulary. Working in groups, you will also set up your own startup business and pitch it to investors. Students will be expected toÂ. This course is designed to help students write clear and well-articulated argument and opinion essays using adequate academic vocabulary and thus prepare them for theÂ, UNIcert® III writing exam. We will work with TED talks a good deal. 'Life' is an e-textbook published by Cengage, using National Geographic content. Oxford University Press, 2017. Are you having trouble writing a document or preparing a presentation in English? While all language skills are practised, the focus is on reading, listening and speaking. Students will practise business vocabulary, the use of prepositions in economic context and revise grammatical structures. Master Islamwissenschaft; Türkisch im Rahmen der Allgemeinen Berufsvorbereitung für … Auf LinkedIn können Sie sich das vollständige Profil ansehen und mehr über die Kontakte von Delphine Chinchilla und Jobs bei ähnlichen Unternehmen erfahren. Writing assignments will be exchanged and corrected among students in order to become aware of clarity, style, and the construction of arguments. Dein Partner fürs Auto, wenn es um KFZ-Verschleißteile geht. The course is taught in the form of a seminar with students expected to read and research substantial and demanding materials from legal textbooks, judicial decisions and statutes at home. We will also discuss the appropriate conventions in English grammar and style.  This course is intended for students of all disciplines; topics will vary depending on the interests of the students. Individualized language feedback on assignments will allow students to see how they are progressing throughout the course.Â. Sign in with your Netflix account to watch instantly on the web at netflix.com from your personal computer or on any internet-connected device that offers the Netflix app, including smart TVs, smartphones, tablets, streaming media players and … In this course, we’ll consider works of literature and their film adaptations from around the world, especially focusing on ones in which non-standard varieties of English are showcased. Spring semester 2021 Enrollment closing date: 26.02.2021 . HU-Mitarbeiter/innen, HU-Alumni und Gasthörer/innen: The successful completion of this course (in addition to course 1) will entitle participants to obtain the UNIcert® II certificate in Business English. At the end of the course, students should be able to exhibit C1 English language ability in spoken skills and reading & listening comprehension. This course is designed to improve your ability to deal with intercultural encounters in English at university and at work. This course is designed to prepare you for the UNIcert® III exam and covers all four skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. A Budapesti Osztrák Iskola minden diákja 20% kedvezményre jogosult a nyelvi központ nyári tanfolyamain. Telefon: +49 30 83855849 You will learn to write among others, cover letters, summaries, paragraphs, essays.Â. HU-Studierende: We will deal with a variety of topics related to business, e.g. Willkommen im Bereich Türkisch! April bis 16. This course is intended for students of all disciplines who wish to improve their oral language skills, in particular in preparation for oral presentations at university (for example in seminars or at conferences). This course introduces students to the law of contract. Auf LinkedIn können Sie sich das vollständige Profil ansehen und mehr über die Kontakte von Alisa Ling und Jobs bei ähnlichen Unternehmen erfahren. As well as the assessed presentation, there will be final tests in reading and listening comprehension. Hier kannst du sie vorschlagen! Das Sprachenzentrum ist eine zentrale Lehr- und Serviceeinrichtung der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin und bietet Studierenden aller Fachrichtungen, Mitarbeiter/innen und Alumni eine qualitativ hochwertige universitätsspezifische Fremd- und Fachsprachenausbildung in 14 Sprachen auf verschiedenen Niveaustufen an, davon 10 Sprachen im Rahmen der hochschulübergreifenden … There will be ample opportunity to boost vocabulary, to improve and develop listening and speaking abilities. the civil and criminal courts, the legal profession, contract law, the jury system, the elements of the crime, analysis of various offences). This course will also improve your writing skills. Dorotheenstraße 65 This course provides instruction and practice in critical reading, critical thinking, and critical writing.  We will analyze and interpret academic texts, using the texts as evidence or as an argument to be responded to critically. Although assignments and class discussions cover concepts that are central to social and political science – such as international relations, state vs. nation, domestic politics, government institutions, discrimination issues, and social movements– all students who are looking to improve their academic English are welcome to join the course. In writing it emphasizes sentence structure, paragraph organization and usage of formal English grammar especially with regards to essay writing. Auf LinkedIn können Sie sich das vollständige Profil ansehen und mehr über die Kontakte von Emma Gravendeel und Jobs bei ähnlichen Unternehmen erfahren. Für die Nutzung unseres Online-Sprachkurs-Angebots benötigen Sie i.d.R. Knowledge of Medical German required.Â. Neue Liste | Download . Reading materials are drawn from both academic (e.g. Mit dem Ergebnis des Einstufungstests nur persönlich in der ersten Lehrveranstaltungswoche beim Kursleiter freie Plätze erfragen und sich dann im Sekretariat anmelden und die Gasthörergebühr entrichten. Participants will be required to do a brief presentation and paper. The test will take place on the Monday of the last week and will consist of listening and vocabulary sections. Discussions of current medical issues (e.g. Im Profil von Martins Dauksts sind 3 Jobs angegeben. Sprachenzentrum. The approach used places participants in a central role practicing core communication skills while simultaneously learning the fundamentals of negotiations. In addition to that you will listen to authentic texts (radio programmes and video), discuss them and write short comments. This course will provide participants with the opportunity to improve key communication skills in a negotiating setting. Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie von Ihrer/m Kursleiter/in. The course treats writing as a collaborative process and involves extensive revising, peer-editing, and group discussion of a writer's work. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Our institute offers regular language … It integrates grammar, reading, vocabulary, critical thinking, and listening lessons with interesting texts and videos. We also use real-life case studies and RPGs to discuss intercultural phenomena and practice our language skills. It focuses on the further development of reading, listening, speaking and writing skills. The Leistungsnachweis will be awarded on the basis of regular attendance of the course, active participation in group discussions and debates, as well as successful completion of a final examination, scheduled for the last week of the course, which will cover grammar, vocabulary and writing. The service has an open access OWL (Online Writing Lab) website in Moodle, where there are many materials which will help you with your writing. Innerhalb von 5 Tagen nach der Online-Buchung muss die Zahlung der vollständigen Kursgebühr erfolgt sein. Ort: L 113 Seminarzentrum (ohne Fenster) (Otto-von-Simson-Straße 26) und HU Zeit: Mo 12:00-14:00 Erster Termin: 20.04.2020 Unterrichtssprache: Deutsch In this course you will discuss and analyse contemporary questions in economics and business. Working in groups they will co-ordinate all stages of production (set up, production, distribution, and marketing) and there will be a final product at the end: the journal. All Language Center courses will … Liste herunterladen Sprachenzentrum Türkisch - WiSe 20/21. Another major area of focus is on boosting vocabulary range, although grammar practice will be remedial.Â. Am 4 . The Leistungsnachweis will be awarded on the basis of regular and active participation and the final tests in reading, speaking and vocabulary/grammar. In these difficult times, we must use online learning. As this course is for graduate students only, evidence of status must be provided in lesson one. Hier erhalten Sie Informationen über das Lehrangebot in Studiengängen mit sprachpraktischen Studienanteilen in folgenden Studiengängen:. Melden Sie sich für den Open-Humboldt-Newsletter an und Sie erhalten Einladungen zu allen öffentlichen Angeboten der Humboldt-Universität. Für die Nutzung unseres Online-Sprachkurs-Angebots benötigen Sie i.d.R. Владимир Дубичинский Данил Весёлый Berlin 2011 Kennst du Übersetzungen, die noch nicht in diesem Wörterbuch enthalten sind? Im Hueber Shop kaufen Sie bequem vielfach erprobte Lehrwerke, Sprachkurse und Materialien für das Unterrichten und Lernen von DaF, DaZ und über 30 weiteren Sprachen. Voraussetzung: Online … Geben Sie dabei unbedingt Ihre E-Mail-Adresse an, um eine Bestätigung über die Buchung zu erhalten. The process of writing academic texts will also be examined and students are expected to complete six pieces of writing during the course. Für den jeweiligen Spezialkurs sind Sonderpreise im Buchungssystem ausgewiesen. All of us have to negotiate during our lives -be it in the private sphere or at work. Grammar practice will be remedial. References available upon request. We will look at our own cultural beliefs in comparison to others, and focus on the kind of language we need to use in order to maximize our chances of successfully communicating with people outside our own cultural norms. ()Home. Assessment will be based on each individual’s language performance during the discussions and debates (two-thirds) as well as the quality of their essays (one-third of the final mark). Assessment will be through a written close reading of a text with emphasis on grammatical structure and an in-class presentation on a text of your choice.

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