Otherwise, you could write some custom code in the Admin > Settings > Checkout > Order Processing > Additional Scripts, which will have access to elements of the checkout object such as the note field, but I think that those scripts only run once the customer reaches the Thank-You page. In this video, I' walk you through practical examples that can help you increase your Shopify checkout conversion rates. Note. If it's not visible, contact your Merchant Success Manager and they will enable the file for you. The additional checkout buttons now appear on the checkout page instead of the cart page. The first step in customizing the order status page is to understand how code is injected onto this non-theme page. It works, but it's important to point out that the code in the "Additional scripts" field only gets added to the checkout thank you page. Because the same checkout pages are used across all Shopify stores (not including Shopify Plus stores, which have more options when it comes to this page), Shopify has been able to refine the checkout process to optimize conversions. – … An additional checkout button will not appear for Paypal methods aside from Express Checkout. This is found in the Checkout section of the admin. 1. To create a script: Review the Shopify Scripts API for a reference on writing code for scripts. The additional scripts box. In Shopify Settings > Payment Providers > Manual Payment Methods add one which contains "Bitcoin" In Shopify Settings > Checkout > Additional Scripts input the following script, with the details from your BTCPayServer instead of the placeholder values. If your store isn't on Shopify Plus, then you can customize your checkout pages in the theme editor.. For merchants on Shopify Plus, the checkout process is rendered by the checkout.liquid file. To align the checkout buttons, add the following code into the theme.scss.liquid file. Introduction If you've ever wondered how to add a personal touch to your checkout pages, wait no more! Before you begin customizing your cart, make sure your checkout.liquid file is visible under your Layout folder. In the Select script template dialog: Choose the type of script … ... To update this field, go under Settings > Checkout and find the “Additional scripts” field. The Shopify Scripts API is a simplified version of Ruby that contains the methods needed to write scripts. To enable or disable checkout.liquid, Shopify Plus merchants must contact support.. These scripts run when the checkout reaches the shipping options page. The Scripts overview page shows a list of scripts for your store. If you break your site, and lose revenue you only have yourself to blame. This is only meant to be used for Google Analytics but you could actually run anything it in - Shopify even told … Shopify Plus. It's mostly intended to be a place to add conversion tracking code or a short bit of custom HTML/messaging. ## Align the checkout buttons with additional CSS. Changes to Checkout Additional Scripts As many of you may know, there is a section where you can add additional scripts or JS to run on your checkout pages. We outline five ways to customize your checkout page experience! The checkout.liquid layout is available to Shopify Plus merchants only. Just because it might work today doesn't mean anything for the future. ... Returns the optional additional field of the street address portion of the shipping address..phone: Click Create script to begin creating a new script. Open the Script Editor. Changes to the checkout (which are out of your control) and how certain scripts are added could not only break your code, it could make it impossible for your customers to checkout. The additional scripts box is a key component for customizing the order status page.